Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Photo Scavenger Hunt


I have an idea and a list to go along with that idea. I want to do a photo scvenger hunt! Huzzah! This is also because I'm enrolled in a sewing class and have work so there is little time for me to do any other posts. Here is my list thus far...

Photograph (people/ person):
1) On a swing set
2) With a dog
3) With a cow
4) In a strange section of a store
5) At a local landmark
6) With Someone in a uniform (any uniform)
7) Wearning a strange looking hat
8) In a bathroom
9) Viking funeral (for anyone or anything)
10)An adult in a child's or toddler's seat
11)A Pirate or someone dressed as a pirate

... You get the idea. What are your ideas? I plan on beginning my strange picture taking in the coming weeks. I may start with sitting on the bench with these statues near my work. They give me the wiggens.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lightened My Hair

So I did this two weeks ago but I've been too lazy to put something up. I'm trying to slowly go extremely lighter with my hair. Yay! Haven't been sewing much lately but I will try to jump back on that in the next few days. I have this dress that I'm just dying to try to make.

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