Saturday, November 28, 2009

Project while I wait...


So I managed to get into cross stitching while I wait to be near my sewing machine once more. Here's my very first piece and I am so proud of it. Hooray!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Temporary Hiatus

I just noticed that I haven't been posting as religiously as I would like and it is mostly because of the move. I will try to get back on the ball around xmas (which is when we'll be moving).

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Found Pictures ...

This is from a beach up on the famous North Shore
Sepia filter added to a photo taken before sunset at Paradise Cove
Honolulu Zoo and turtles

Sunset at Paradise Cove after they pulled in the fishing nets

Manawili Falls outside of Kailua. Payoff at the end of a hike.

I love my zoom. This was taken on a decommissioned military base. Go butterfly bush!

I was looking through some of my old picture files and I found some of my favorite scenic photos that I've taken around the island. I'll be leaving this place shortly and returning to the mid-west (I miss winter and seasons) so I thought I'd do a bit of looking back. And yes I did take all of these pictures myself. Enjoy.